Lenormand Letter Card Combinations
These Lenormand Letter combinations were created to help you learn to read Lenormand combinations. It isn’t an exhaustive list of Lenormand card combinations for you to memorize. As you progress in your studies, you’ll find that the actual number of possible card combinations is infinite. For now, let these Lenormand Letter card combinations guide you.
Letter + rider (1): messages, information
Letter + clover (2): good news, lotto ticket, raffle ticket
Letter + ship (3): information from abroad, international documents, business communication
Letter + house (4): news about a house, documents related to a property sale (e.g., title, contracts)
Letter + tree (5): prescription, health insurance, medical degree
Letter + clouds (6): confusing information, uncertain outcome, cancellation
Letter + snake (7): bad news, message about a woman, false message
Letter + coffin (8): getting rid of documents (e.g., shredding, throwing away), bad news
Letter + bouquet (9): invitation, good news, helpful information
Letter + scythe (10): no message, message brings a fast decision
Letter + whip (11): angry letter, sexual message, signature
Letter + birds (12): group of writers, multiple messages, much talked about information
Letter + child (13): message about a child, birth announcement, short letter
Letter + fox (14): job offer, letter at work, untrustworthy message
Letter + bear (15): financial news, invoice, check, message about a mother or grandmother
Letter + star (16): email, positive message
Letter + stork (17): message brings change, update
Letter + dog (18): pen pal, news about a friend
Letter + tower (19): legal document, letter from the government
Letter + garden (20): invitation, direct mail marketing, email marketing, newsletter
Letter + mountain (21): delayed information, no message
Letter + crossroad (22): multiple messages, message about a decision
Letter + mice (23): lost message, stressful information
Letter + heart (24): love letter, internet dating
Letter + ring (25): contract, written agreement, prenuptial agreement
Letter + book (26): documents, contracts, binders, folders, notebooks
Letter + man (28): writer, communicative man, message about a man
Letter + woman (29): message about a woman, graduate
Letter + lily (30): old news, message from an older man
Letter + sun (31): great news
Letter + moon (32): creative writing, positive news, love letter
Letter + key (33): important message, letter arrives
Letter + fish (34): business documents, financial documents, fish wrapped in newspaper
Letter + anchor (35): letter takes a while to arrive, positive news, work-related message
Letter + cross (36): painful information, fated message