Index List of Lenormand Cards

This is a complete index of the Petit Lenormand cards. 

It was created to make it easier to find card definitions as you learn, and on the go!

1. Rider

2. Clover

3. Ship

4. House

5. Tree

6. Clouds

7. Snake

8. Coffin

9. Bouquet

10. Scythe

11. Whip

12. Birds

13. Child

14. Fox

15. Bear

16. Stars

17. Stork

18. Dog

19. Tower

20. Garden

21. Mountain

22. Crossroad

23. Mice

24. Heart

25. Ring

26. Book

27. Letter

28. Man

29. Woman

30. Lily

31. Sun

32. Moon

33. Key

34. Fish

35. Anchor

36. Cross 

41 Responses

  1. Estela says:

    Since this is my 1st visit to your website, I simply wished to say greetings! wonderful website!

  2. dreamer says:

    These definitions are very helpful,just hope you find time to ad the missing ones some day.

  3. Roberto says:

    Thanks for posting all these, it is helpful in my learning

  4. Mar says:

    I can’t wait to see the rest of the combos! I’m learning so much. Love the site and your layout. Keep up the excellent work 😉

  5. Zia says:

    Wonderful guide, many thanks for all your work !

  6. nella says:

    Absolutely love your website. Finally a good and very useful website about Lenormand! It has helped me a lot. Greetings from Holland.

  7. White Sox says:

    I’m new to these cards and your card combination are really helping me…thanks so much! Will you be posting the rest of the combination meanings shortly? I’m eager to understand the rest.

  8. Melissa Goss says:

    I’m so excited to find this website! I just ordered Ciro Marchetti’s deck and had no clue how to read with these. Thank you for your wealth of information!! I will be excited to see your additions. Blessings! =)

  9. Martine says:

    Please please finish the card descriptions I’m lost without the last few cards 🙁

    • Stephen says:

      I’m working on them Martine. It takes several hours to write each one and I’m writing them as fast as I can. I’m almost done with the Key and it will be up soon.

  10. Belle says:

    Love your site; the card combo suggestions are really helpful. Can you also do more tutorials on spreads? Keep up the great work!

    • Stephen says:

      Thanks Belle! I do plan to do more tutorials on spreads. Life has kept me a bit busy so I’m not as far along with posting tutorials as I had planned to be by now, but they’re definitely in the works.

  11. Iris says:

    Thank you Stephen for finding the time and effort to make this!
    Bless you.

    Greetings from the Netherlands! 🙂

  12. lucie maragni says:

    I love your Lenormand combination helps me understand my readings that I do. I have created my own Lenormand cards and I also made an illustrated book based on them…it is called New Illustrated Lenormand Oracle….on Amazon…..hope you have time to check them out.
    Lucie Maragni

  13. Gisela says:

    Just to say Gratittude Stephen for taking your time and guide my studies. Your work is priceless and i’m learning a lot studying all you wright. This pages will be eternal. 🙂 Thank you so much;-) do you have a close page in facebook for Lenormand students? Hope you’ll have a Abundant 2015. Lots of Light to you:-*

    • Stephen says:

      Hi Gisela! I’m glad you enjoy the website and that you find my pages useful!
      Unfortunately, I don’t have Facebook page for Lenormand! With everything that happened in recent times with Facebook giving away personal info, I’m glad I didn’t create one!


  14. Pam Trujillo says:

    Hello Stephen,

    Really appreciate your Lenormand site. So very helpful, especially with the combination cards. Gives so much clarity to the combo technique. Love your site. Thank you so much for all the information provided in one great spot!

  15. Feather says:

    This is so helpful ! Exactly what I was looking for . Thank you!!

  16. John Quint says:

    Stephen, this a valuable and enjoyable resource for my Lenormand practice. I’m curious though, how do you deal out the cards: off the top of the deck, or just wherever? Thanks!

    • Stephen says:

      Hi John,

      I typically shuffle the cards and cut the deck with my left hand. From there, I go through my deck from the top card to the bottom.

      Warmest regards,

  17. Una Hunt says:

    I am brand new to lenormand, and I must say that your website has been priceless in helping me get started! That you have chosen to share all your years of research and knowledge into such a gracious and understandable format was so commendable and so deserving of a huge thank you!! For all this valuable information 🙂

  18. Amber Shover says:

    Ok I’m new to lenormand so this list is extremely helpful, but I just realized everything stops at 36 when my deck goes up to 38. So are these extra cards not normal cards cuss I would really like a break down of 37 and 38 also

    • Stephen says:

      You must have one of those decks with extra cards (one of the decks I have added a cat card so that you could use it instead of the dog card). Lenormand, for a proper reading usually has 36 cards. Just pull out the extra cards that might double as the same card traditionally).

  19. sheila says:

    Thank you for making lenormand card combination reading fun because of its simplified interpretation.
    i would like to request a list of lenormand meaning for each card.thank you.

  20. Stephen says:

    Thank you so much Ashley! I’m glad people still find the content useful. I must say, I haven’t been looking into matters as much as I should have.


  21. Stephen says:

    I’m happy you like the website!

    Warmest regards,

  22. Stephen says:

    HI Brendan! Thanks for the feedback!
    I’ll look into it and will probably make changes in the future!


  23. Stephen says:

    Thanks for sharing your story with us Christin, very moving! I hope you’ve kept your father’s cards!!
    I’ve had my share of not wanting to read the cards for similar reasons! Perhaps that’s why I took so long to get back to you! I hope you’ll keep learning!!

    Warmest regards,

  1. June 13, 2023

    […] structure. If you are looking for a free introduction to the Lenormand online, I recommend the Learn Lenormand site. I’m currently working my way through Rana George’s The Essential Lenormand: Your Guide […]

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