Lenormand Heart Card Combinations

This list of Lenormand Heart combinations was created to help you learn to read Lenormand. It isn’t an exhaustive list of Lenormand card combinations for you to memorize. As you progress in learning Lenormand, you’ll find that the actual number of possible card combinations is endless. For now, let these Lenormand Heart card combinations help you in your studies.

Heart + rider (1): new love, passionate message

Heart + clover (2): lucky in love

Heart + ship (3): long-distance relationship, romantic trip, honeymoon

Heart + house (4): loving family

Heart + tree (5): karmic connection, heart problems

Heart + clouds (6): uncertain love, dishonest relationship

Heart + snake (7): affair, cheating, lies, jealousy

Heart + coffin (8): heartache, end of a relationship

Heart + bouquet (9): happy relationship, great love

Heart + scythe (10): heartache, break-up, decision about love life

Heart + whip (11): passion, sex

Heart + birds (12): couple, romantic conversations

Heart + child (13): young love, high school sweetheart

Heart + fox (14): passionate job, dishonest relationship, emotional dishonesty

Heart + bear (15): protective lover, wealthy partner, jealousy, overbearing partner

Heart + star (16): positive love, man/woman of your dreams

Heart + stork (17): change of heart, evolving relationship

Heart + dog (18): best friend, soulmate, friends and lovers

Heart + tower (19): big love, loneliness in love life

Heart + garden (20): uncommitted, player, multiple partners, public displays of affection

Heart + mountain (21): cold heart, lack of effort in love

Heart + crossroad (22): multiple partners, separation, passionate decision

Heart + mice (23): heartache, worrisome love, loss of love

Heart + ring (25): marriage, partnership

Heart + book (26): secret love, hidden affair, crush

Heart + letter (27): love letter, message connected to love

Heart + man (28): loving man, generous, passionate

Heart + woman (29): loving woman, kind, gentle

Heart + lily (30): older love, passionate sex life

Heart + sun (31): successful relationship, passionate love

Heart + moon (32): romance, deep love

Heart + key (33): significant love, certain love

Heart + fish (34): love of money, matchmaker, deep love, spiritual love

Heart + anchor (35): commitment, long-term relationship

Heart + cross (36): fated love, painful love, heartache, insecurity

5 Responses

  1. Blue says:

    Finally! 🙂

    I love when new definitions appear. Love this site and forum !!

  2. Blue says:

    Oh by the way I don’t know if you’re aware, but your list of definitions is missing #25 Ring. Just in case you didn’t notice 🙂

    Thanks again for taking the time to teach us!!

  3. yiota says:

    ooooh the heart! i love it too!
    please what do you mean older love? its about heart + lilly
    thanks again!

    • Stephen says:

      Some of the meanings for the Lily include older (age) and an older, mature man. So older love could mean love with an older, mature man or when the querent is older. It all comes down to the question asked.

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