Lenormand Fish Card Combinations
These Lenormand Fish card combinations were created to help you learn to read Lenormand combinations. They aren’t designed to be memorized because, as you’ll soon learn, the actual number of possible card combinations is endless. Until then, let these Lenormand Fish card combinations guide you.
Fish + rider (1): financial opportunity, business news, new employee
Fish + clover (2): financial luck, good business partner
Fish + ship (3): international business, money from afar, fishing trip
Fish + house (4): home business, wealthy family
Fish + tree (5): strong business, old money, alcoholism
Fish + clouds (6): financial uncertainty
Fish + snake (7): wealthy woman, business problems, financial concerns
Fish + coffin (8): hangover, financial loss, bankruptcy
Fish + bouquet (9): inheritance, gift of money
Fish + scythe (10): business decision, layoff
Fish + whip (11): financial arguments, business conflict
Fish + birds (12): business partners, financial discussions, two sources of income
Fish + child (13): new employee, subsidiary
Fish + fox (14): “cooking the books”, business fraud, employees
Fish + bear (15): seafood restaurant, stable finances, a lot of money
Fish + star (16): well-known business, innovative business, financial success
Fish + stork (17): business growth, business expansion, acquisition
Fish + dog (18): business partner, wealthy friend
Fish + tower (19): bank, a safe, financial reserves, savings
Fish + garden (20): customers, fundraising
Fish + mountain (21): delayed money, stagnant business
Fish + crossroad (22): financial decision, business decision
Fish + mice (23): business loss, financial problems, reductions
Fish + heart (24): love of money/work, soulmate connection, great love
Fish + ring (25): marriage of convenience, business contract, spiritual connection
Fish + book (26): accounting books, unknown source of income, unknown business
Fish + letter (27): fishing permit, financial news, business license
Fish + man (28): Wealthy, businessman, independent
Fish + woman (29): Materialistic, business woman, wealthy woman
Fish + lily (30): established business
Fish + sun (31): financial success, business success
Fish + moon (32): financial creativity, business dream comes true
Fish + key (33): financial success, important business
Fish + anchor (35): established business, long-term income
Fish + cross (36): financial burden, difficult business, religious organization
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Glad they helped!! 🙂