Lenormand House Card Combinations
This list of Lenormand House combinations is by no means exhaustive. The more you work with the petit Lenormand, the more you will see that the list of combinations never ends. Even though there are some “set in stone” meanings from tradition, you will find an exception to the rule from time-to-time. So let this list help you learn how to combine the Lenormand House with other Lenormand cards.
House + rider (1): news about a house, a message comes to the house, a visitor
House + clover (2): luck at home, positive house
House + ship (3): changing residence, a journey home
House + tree (5): house near trees, a tree house, house needs repairs
House + clouds (6): uncertainty about a house, problems at home
House + snake (7): house needs repairs, getting a house unconventionally, problems at home
House + coffin (8): an empty house, sale of a house, moving, family death
House + bouquet (9): happy house, party at a house
House + scythe (10): sale of a house, separation, house needs a lot of repair (“surgery”)
House + whip (11): domestic violence, arguments at home
House + birds (12): problems at home, multiple people in a house (roommates, 2 guests)
House + child (13): new house, family with children
House + fox (14): home robbery, domestic employee, be careful buying a house
House + bear (15): real estate investment, buying a house, expanding a house
House + stars (16): dream home, lucky house
House + stork (17): change of residence, remodeling
House + dog (18): roommate, pet, neighbors, tenants
House + tower (19): apartment building, big house, a large company
House + garden (20): house with a garden, large family, hotel, public house
House + mountain (21): house in the mountains, problems purchasing a house
House + crossroad (22): decision about a house, two houses
House + mice (23): loss of a house, damages to a house, stressful home life
House + heart (24): loving family, lovely house
House + ring (25): real estate contract, lease/sale of a house
House + book (26): house you don’t know yet, secret about a house or family, library
House + letter (27): property title, real estate contract, documents to sign involve a house/real estate, message received at/about a house
House + man (28): home owner, landlord, realtor, homebody, stable man
House + woman (29): home owner, landlord, realtor, homebody, housewife, stable woman
House + lily (30): old house
House + sun (31): success at home
House + moon (32): dream house, popular house
House + key (33): important house, new house, success at home
House + fish (34): real estate agency, home based business, financial success at home, house near the water
House + anchor (35): long-term security, commitment to family
House + cross (36): church, distressed property