Lenormand Tower Card Combinations
Let these Lenormand Tower combinations guide you in your Lenormand studies. While this isn’t an exhaustive list of Lenormand card combinations, it can help you learn how to read spreads and make your own card combinations. In time, you’ll soon see that the number of possible card combinations is endless. For now, let these Lenormand Tower card combinations be a guide in your studies.
Tower + rider (1): government messages, post office
Tower + clover (2): opportunity with authorities, lucky school
Tower + ship (3): airport, business trip
Tower + house (4): big house, apartment building
Tower + tree (5): hospital, meditation center
Tower + clouds (6): troubled government, uncertainty with authorities
Tower + snake (7): independent woman, problems with government, legal problems
Tower + coffin (8): cemetary, loneliness ends
Tower + bouquet (9): university party, positive legal outcome
Tower + scythe (10): legal decision, destruction
Tower + whip (11): gym, fitness center
Tower + birds (12): Congress, Parliament, legal worries
Tower + child (13): college, university, adoption agency
Tower + fox (14): civil service employee, corporate employee, government deception
Tower + bear (15): financial company, bank, protecting finances
Tower + star (16): loneliness while pursuing dreams, guarded dreams
Tower + stork (17): government change, safe change
Tower + dog (18): protecting a friend
Tower + garden (20): hospital, public building
Tower + mountain (21): government roadblocks, loneliness
Tower + crossroad (22): lonely decision, lonely path, government options
Tower + mice (23): corporate loss, university loss
Tower + heart (24): lonely relationship, separation
Tower + ring (25): government contract
Tower + book (26): teacher, professor
Tower + letter (27): notice from authorities
Tower + man (28): tall man, government employee, executive
Tower + woman (29): arrogant woman, lonely woman, corporate executive
Tower + lily (30): senior’s center, senator
Tower + sun (31): government leader, success with public authorities
Tower + moon (32): creative enterprise, emotional protection
Tower + key (33): success with legal authorities, independence, strong protection
Tower + fish (34): bank, trade center
Tower + anchor (35): port, long-term protection
Tower + cross (36): problems with authorities, church, temple