Lenormand Tree Card Combinations
This list of Lenormand Tree combinations is designed to help you get started in reading Lenormand. It isn’t a complete list, but is designed to help you grow in your studies. As you work with the petit Lenormand, you will learn how to make your own combinations. In time, you’ll find that the list of combinations never ends. Until then, let this list of Lenormand Tree card combinations serve as your guide while you learn.
Tree + rider (1): health related news, an ill young man
Tree + clover (2): recovery from illness
Tree + ship (3): car repair, ambulance, spiritual journey
Tree + house (4): tree house, house needing repairs, stable health
Tree + clouds (6): uncertainty about an illness, mental confusion
Tree + snake (7): female doctor, nurse, ill woman, physical problems, yoga master
Tree + coffin (8): depression, major illness
Tree + bouquet (9): nature, good health
Tree + scythe (10): surgery
Tree + whip (11): pain, exercise, long-term illness
Tree + birds (12): forest, health or spiritual conversations
Tree + child (13): ill child, new start in health, New Year’s Resolutions
Tree + fox (14): health care worker, misdiagnosis
Tree + bear (15): diet, obesity, eating disorder, expensive illness
Tree + stars (16): being in nature at night, medical treatment
Tree + stork (17): recovery
Tree + dog (18): doctor, soul mate, sick dog
Tree + tower (19): hospital, doctor’s office
Tree + garden (20): garden, hospital, spa
Tree + mountain (21): fatigue, illness connected to blockages, delays in recovery
Tree + crossroad (22): life changing decision
Tree + mice (23): stress, illness, health deterioration
Tree + heart (24): heart problems
Tree + ring (25): spiritual connection, life long partnership, going around in circles about your health
Tree + book (26): health exam, unknown health problem
Tree + letter (27): prescription, lab results
Tree + man (28): ill man, healer
Tree + woman (29): ill woman, healer
Tree + lily (30): sexual disease, age related health problems
Tree + sun (31): great health, energetic
Tree + moon (32): depression, mental/emotional health
Tree + key (33): recovery, destiny
Tree + fish (34): an increase in money
Tree + anchor (35): stable health
Tree + cross (36): suffering, depression