Lenormand Ring Card Combinations
This list of Lenormand Ring combinations was created to help you learn to read Lenormand. It isn’t an exhaustive list of Lenormand card combinations for you to memorize. As you progress in learning Lenormand, you’ll find that the actual number of possible card combinations is endless. For now, let these Lenormand Ring card combinations help you in your studies.
Ring + rider (1): new partner (business or romantic)
Ring + clover (2): beneficial agreement, lucky cycle
Ring + ship (3): international business agreement, contract to buy a ship
Ring + house (4): house purchase/sale/rental
Ring + tree (5): relationship improves, long-term agreement
Ring + clouds (6): uncertain arrangement, suspicious contract
Ring + snake (7): agreement with a woman, relationship with “another” woman, difficult contract
Ring + coffin (8): end of a relationship, contract is terminated
Ring + bouquet (9): engagement, proposal, happy agreement
Ring + scythe (10): divorce, contract ends abruptly
Ring + whip (11): troubled relationship, difficult contract negotiations
Ring + birds (12): multiple partners, negotiations
Ring + child (13): adoption agreement, agreement with a child, custody agreement
Ring + fox (14): job offer, employment contract, dishonest agreement
Ring + bear (15): financial agreement, business partner
Ring + star (16): positive contract, relationship goals, famous connection
Ring + stork (17): contract changes/renegotiation, changes in a relationship
Ring + dog (18): partner, business associate
Ring + tower (19): lonely relationship, legal agreement
Ring + garden (20): public agreement, marriage, public couple (e.g., high society, famous)
Ring + mountain (21): problems with a contract, distance in a relationship
Ring + crossroad (22): multiple partners, multiple contracts, separation
Ring + mice (23): contract falling apart, end of a relationship
Ring + heart (24): marriage, partnership, civil union
Ring + book (26): due diligence investigation, contracts, secret relationship
Ring + letter (27): news about a contract, written agreement
Ring + man (28): married man, husband, fiance, partner
Ring + woman (29): married woman, wife, fiancee, partner
Ring + lily (30): affair with another man, old relationship
Ring + sun (31): successful agreement, good partnership
Ring + moon (32): emotional connection, strong attraction, successful agreement
Ring + key (33): successful relationship, contract will be signed
Ring + fish (34): business agreement, solid relationship
Ring + anchor (35): long-term arrangement, stable relationship
Ring + cross (36): difficult relationship, painful relationship
I love these definitions because they are close to Treppner interpretations. I find them the most accurate :). Good work, like always. Can’t wait for the rest..
Thanks Blue!
what does this combo mean about someone’s feelings towards another? The Rider, Woman, Ring
I explain how to read combos here: Basic Guidelines for Reading with the Petit Lenormand and How to Read Lenormand Card Combinations. You can also join us on the forum for more help.