Lenormand Mountain Card Combinations

Let these Lenormand Mountain combinations guide you in your Lenormand studies. This isn’t an exhaustive list of Lenormand card combinations, as the actual number of possible card combinations is endless. For now, let these Lenormand Mountain card combinations help you in your studies.

Mountain + rider (1): news arriving after delays, someone finally arrives

Mountain + clover (2): things are looking up, problems end well

Mountain + ship (3): travel occurs after delays, plane is late

Mountain + house (4): loneliness, cabin

Mountain + tree (5): health problems, lingering illness

Mountain + clouds (6): lost, procrastination, confusion

Mountain + snake (7): major problems, woman is late

Mountain + coffin (8): obstacles end

Mountain + bouquet (9): mountains, relief

Mountain + scythe (10): delayed action

Mountain + whip (11): impatience, long-term arguments

Mountain + birds (12): reconnecting, long-awaited phone call

Mountain + child (13): lonely child, problems with a new start

Mountain + fox (14): lack of career growth, leave of absence, unemployment

Mountain + bear (15): literally a bear in the mountains, financial restrictions, diet

Mountain + star (16): lack of motivation, dreams are blocked

Mountain + stork (17): things are moving forward again, restarting

Mountain + dog (18): single friend, loneliness, abandoned dog

Mountain + tower (19): imprisonment, government/legal restrictions, isolation

Mountain + garden (20): vacation, delayed meeting

Mountain + crossroad (22): delayed decision, hiking, walks

Mountain + mice (23): problems end

Mountain + heart (24): lonely, cold heart

Mountain + ring (25): lonely relationship, duty

Mountain + book (26): slow studies

Mountain + letter (27): delayed news, no response

Mountain + man (28): indifferent man, man has blocks

Mountain + woman (29): cold woman, stressed woman

Mountain + lily (30): no sex life, isolation, winter

Mountain + sun (31): success finally occurs

Mountain + moon (32): depression, insensitive

Mountain + key (33): obstacles are overcome

Mountain + fish (34): financial problems, money is late, fishing

Mountain + anchor (35): long-term blocks

Mountain + cross (36): burdens, at the end of your rope, depression

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