Lenormand Crossroad Meaning
Also known as: Path, Road
Keywords: DECISIONS, choices, walking, hiking, roads
General Description: The Lenormand Crossroad primarily means decisions. This is the first meaning you should use when reading this card. The card gives you two paths, two solutions to any problem. The options usually aren’t easy and must be carefully considered. This is the ultimate card of free will showing that you always have a choice of which way you’ll go. When the Crossroad is above the querent, an important decision is often weighing heavily on the querent, one which he feels he can’t avoid making.
Career: Opportunities for career growth.
Possible jobs: Road construction, truck driver, bus driver, part time jobs, temporary work
Health: A decision will need to be made.
The Body: Circulatory System
Love: A decision about your love life or a choice between two people.
Physical Description/Qualities: Decisive, hesitant, red hair, fair skin, multi-tasker
Timing: The Lenormand Crossroad is about 2 – 2 days, 2 weeks, 2 months, 2 years…
Cartomancy: The Lenormand Crossroad represents the Queen of Diamonds. It symbolizes a jealous and meddling woman. It can also represent a rival or hypocrisy.
Card Combinations: Lenormand Crossroad Card Combinations