Lenormand Star Meaning
Keywords: DREAMS, fame, encouragement, reputation, moving forward.
General Description: The Lenormand Star is a lucky card. It indicates that the dreams you have for the future are coming true. It shows how well others respect you and whether you are famous, even if it’s just in your field. This is a card encouraging you to move forward in life.
Career: A new career path is possible. You could also receive the recognition you deserve.
Possible jobs: Teacher, actor, aerospace employee
Health: Usually indicates health improvements
The Body: Skin
Love: You’re making a new start in love. The person you’ve been dreaming of could be coming into your life.
Physical Description/Qualities: Optimistic, innovative, idealistic, inspirational, role model, well known
Timing: The Lenormand Star refers to something happening at night.
Cartomancy: The Lenormand Star represents the six of hearts. It involves the consultant’s memories. It suggests happy dreams, fond sentiments and harmony.
Card Combinations: Lenormand Star Card Combinations
is there a book these meanings are taken from if yes please tell me as i wanna buy it thanks
Hi John,
tend to agree on the definitions, with slight variances depending on the teacher. We usually encourage people to learn the basic definitions first, and then if the cards speak a certain way to a student that the student adapt their card definitions accordingly.
The card meanings on this site are a result of study, practice and teaching over the years. I think most Lenormand Books
Hope this helps,