Category: Petit Lenormand
Research by Detlef Hoffmann indicates that the Petit Lenormand can be clearly traced back to an oracle called ‘Das Spiel der Hofnung (sic) / Le jeu de l’espérance’ (The Game of Hope), published around 1800 by G.P.J. Bieling in Nuremberg, Germany. This suggests clearly that publishers of the time tried to capitalize on Mlle Lenormand’s good name, and re-branded the Game of Hope: ‘Le Petit Jeu Lenormand’ shortly after Mlle Lenormand’s death in 1843.
If the Petit Lenormand wasn’t Mlle Lenormand’s creation, then what did she use?
These Lenormand Fish card combinations were created to help you learn to read Lenormand combinations. They aren’t designed to be memorized because, as you’ll soon learn, the actual number of possible card combinations is endless. Until then, let these Lenormand Fish card combinations guide you.
These Lenormand Key card combinations are intended to help you learn how to read Lenormand combinations. These combinations aren’t meant for you to memorize because, as you’ll soon learn, the actual number of possible card combinations is endless. Until then, let these Lenormand Key card combinations guide you.
Keywords: IMPORTANT, what’s needed, success, necessary, significant, something is unlocked, something is revealed
These Lenormand Moon combinations were created to help you learn to read Lenormand combinations. This isn’t an exhaustive list for you to memorize. In time, you’ll find that the actual number of possible card combinations is endless. For now, let these Lenormand Moon card combinations guide you.
Keywords: Emotions, fame, creativity, evening, moodiness, romance, arts, intuition